Pages: 265-267
Date of Publication: 31-Jan-2023
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Preface & Editor’s Note: Vol 3 Issue 3 Dec 2022-Jan 2023
Author: Dr R Srinivasan
Category: Contents & Author Bio
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review and a blind review of the submissions by a qualified reviewer or subject editor. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.
We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.
We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.
Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.
About this Issue
The present Volume 3 Issue 3 Dec 2022-Jan 2023 hosts four research papers pertaining to International Relations, Political Science, Country Studies and Sustainability Studies. It also hosts a book review pertaining to socio-cultural studies.
We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions, researcher scholars and post graduate students.
Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy
EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards dissemination of knowledge and further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645). Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.
We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier unpublished content and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.
Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan
31 Jan 2023 Editor-in-Chief
Keywords: Editor's Note, Contents, Vol 3 Issue 3, EJSSS, Dec 2022-Jan 2023, Author Bio
DOI: 10.47362/EJSSS.2022
Full Text:
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies
(ISSN Online: 2582-9645)
Preface & Editor’s Note
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review and a blind review of the submissions by a qualified reviewer or subject editor. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.
We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.
We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.
Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.
About this Issue
The present Volume 3 Issue 3 Dec 2022-Jan 2023 hosts five research papers pertaining to International Relations, Political Science, Country Studies, strategic Studies and Sustainability Studies. It also hosts a book review pertaining to socio-cultural studies.
We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions, researcher scholars, practicing professionals and post graduate students.
Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy
EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards dissemination of knowledge and further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645). Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.
We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier unpublished content and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.
Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan
31 Jan 2023 Editor-in-Chief
1. Soldiers for Hire: Contextualising the Private Military's Legal Conundrums 268-288
Aman Sharma
2. Indigenous Communities: Human Rights and Right to Development 289-313 Exploring the Indian Context
Apoorva A
3. Status competition or Conflict of interest: Understanding China-India 314-327 Asymmetrical rivalry in the Indian Ocean region
Ravi Kumar
4. Russia, India, and China Alliance – Towards balancing the world order 328-350
Ridipt Singh
5. Future of Joint Amphibious Operations for 354-372 Furtherance of National Security Objectives in Indian Context
Brigadier Amod Chadha, SM
Book Reviews
6. So, YOU want to talk about race by Ijeoma Oluo 351-353
Richa Bhattarai
Author Short Bio
Aman Sharma holds an MA in Political Science from Indira Gandhi National Open University.
Apoorva A is a Master’s Global Studies student at Ambedkar University, Delhi.
Ravi Kumar is a Junior Research Fellow, Department of Political Science, University of Rajasthan, India.
Ridipt Singh is a final year student of MA International Studies at Symbiosis School of International Studies, Symbiosis International University, Pune, India.
Brigadier Amod Chadha, SM, is a serving Indian Army Officer and a PhD candidate at UGC Centre for Maritime Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.
Richa Bhattarai is a PhD Student, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA.