<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd"> <ArticleSet> <Article> <Journal> <PublisherName>ejsss</PublisherName> <JournalTitle>ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF SOCIAL AND STRATEGIC STUDIES</JournalTitle> <PISSN/> <EISSN/> <Volume-Issue>Volume 2, Issue 2</Volume-Issue> <PartNumber/> <IssueTopic>Multidisciplinary</IssueTopic> <IssueLanguage>English</IssueLanguage> <Season>Aug-Sep 2021</Season> <SpecialIssue>N</SpecialIssue> <SupplementaryIssue>N</SupplementaryIssue> <IssueOA>Y</IssueOA> <PubDate> <Year>2021</Year> <Month>09</Month> <Day>20</Day> </PubDate> <ArticleType>Security Studies</ArticleType> <ArticleTitle>India’s domestic Cyber Security and cybercrime: A Case Study of Social Media and Darknet Management by Manipur Police</ArticleTitle> <SubTitle/> <ArticleLanguage>English</ArticleLanguage> <ArticleOA>Y</ArticleOA> <FirstPage>193</FirstPage> <LastPage>210</LastPage> <AuthorList> <Author> <FirstName>Oinam Ghanashyam</FirstName> <LastName>Khumancha</LastName> <AuthorLanguage>English</AuthorLanguage> <Affiliation/> <CorrespondingAuthor>N</CorrespondingAuthor> <ORCID/> </Author> </AuthorList> <DOI>10.47362/EJSSS.2021.2210</DOI> <Abstract>It has been observed in the past few years that many states in India had shut down internet services from time to time citing one reason or another related to crimes or to maintain law and order. The observed phenomenon is more prevalent in the Indian State of Manipur. Manipur at present is in the category of “Disturb Area” under the Indian Constitution, and controversial security Act such as “Armed Forces Special Power Act-1956” has been imposed since 1980. Many individuals have been arrested in Manipur by police for violating the cyber law as per reports. This simply indicates that despite its normal duties associated with regular crimes, their understanding in the domain of cyberspace needs to be expanded along with the legal aspects (law). However, the daunting question is how the Manipur Police has improved to challenging crimes in social media and the forum of the darknet. This lead to the question of Manipur Police to explore more on legal aspects of cyberspace to efficiently handle crimes on social media and counter vulnerabilities in the Darknet. India as a country is still confused about cybersecurity and cybercrime in practical life.</Abstract> <AbstractLanguage>English</AbstractLanguage> <Keywords>Cybercrime, Cyber security, Cyber law, IT Acts, Social Media, Darknet, Police</Keywords> <URLs> <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13283&title=India’s domestic Cyber Security and cybercrime: A Case Study of Social Media and Darknet Management by Manipur Police</Abstract> </URLs> <References> <ReferencesarticleTitle>References</ReferencesarticleTitle> <ReferencesfirstPage>16</ReferencesfirstPage> <ReferenceslastPage>19</ReferenceslastPage> <References>Addison, L. (2015). The State of Surveillance in India: The Central Monitoring Systemand;#39;s Chilling Effect on Self-Expression. Washington University Global Studies Law Review, Volume 14, Issue 4 Global Perspectives on Colorism (Symposium Edition), 799-822. Affairs, M. o. (2021, May 21). 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