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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 3 Issue 1</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>April-May 2022</Season>
      <ArticleType>Political Science</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>MN Roy: Transition from Revolutionary to Marxist to Gandhian and Radical Humanist to Politician</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>MN Roy was the living embodiment of India’s Revolutionary past. A fourteen -year old boy persuaded Roy to join agitation against the school’s headmaster’s order and Roy became a revolutionary.  After being persuaded by Jatinder Nath Das M.N. Roy became a Gandhi follower. Then he met an Anushilan Smithi which helped him in reaching the worldwide level and gaining a reputation. He was exposed to the Marx with the idea that Marx had superior techniques for improving the lives of the unprivileged. He was vocal critic of Gandhi and INC, claiming that their theory was unfounded. Roy was dismissed from the Congress Party by the Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee in 1939 because he prompted the idea of assisting the British government in their struggle against Hitler. Roy was dismissed from the International Communist Movement because he did not agree with Lenin’s 21- Points Programme. After that he realized the significance of Gandhiji’s non-violence and Charkha- Movement techniques. The goal of this study is to figure out why Roy favoured Gandhi at first and subsequently became outspoken critics of Gandhi after discovering Marxism. After that he began criticizing Marxism and, as a result, he resumed sailing in the Gandhian Boat. Roy’s departure from Marxism to become a proponent of Radical –Humanism and, eventually a politician will also be explained in this the article. It’s important to comprehend his transformation since he used these ideals as a yardstick for the upliftment of the impoverished. Hopefully, the likely result of bringing this paper will be served. Researchers, intellectuals, and academicians will benefit from incorporating   Roy’s philosophy into their respective fields of study. This paper’s research takes the shape of radical –humanism, which aims to discover a permanent solution to the world’s fundamental issues.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>MN Roy, Gandhian Thought, Political Radicalism, Marxism, Humanism, Political Philosophy, Independence Movement, India</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13773&amp;title=MN Roy: Transition from Revolutionary to Marxist to Gandhian and Radical Humanist to Politician</Abstract>
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