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Pages: 71-74

Date of Publication: 30-Sep-2023

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Preface & Editor’s Note Volume 4 Issue 2 Aug-Sep 2023

Author: Dr R Srinivasan

Category: Contents & Author Bio


Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review by a subject editor and a blind review by a qualified reviewer of all the submissions. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.

We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.

We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.

Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at with their abstracts.

Keywords: Journal Publication, Research, Open Access, EJSSS, International Relations, Strategic Studies, History, Sociology, Country Studies, Political Science

DOI: 10/47362

Full Text:

Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies

(ISSN Online: 2582-9645)

Preface & Editor’s Note

Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review by a subject editor and a blind review by a qualified reviewer of all the submissions. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.

We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.

We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.

Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at with their abstracts.

About this Issue

The present Volume 4 Issue 2 Aug -Sep 2023 hosts six research papers pertaining to International Relations, Political Science, Social Studies and historical Studies. It also hosts a book review pertaining to International Relations.

We had announced a research writing competition for two prizes to commemorate the 2nd Anniversary of Praghna Centre for Research. Five papers received for the competition were reviewed by a panel of three external experts. The titles of the works are in the content page. We are happy to host them in this Issue as an encouragement for emerging scholars.

We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions, researcher scholars, practicing professionals and post graduate/under graduate students.

Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy

EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards dissemination of knowledge and further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online:

2582-9645). Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.

We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier unpublished content and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.

Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan

30 Sep 2023 Editor-in-Chief




1. Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel in Indian Ocean Region: 75-94

An Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Resilience in South Asia and Horn of Africa

Shubham Singh Charak, R Sudhakar & Talha LatiefTantray

2. Assessing the Effects of Afghanistan's Situation on 95-112

China's National Interests and Regional Stability

Shashank Arun Khopkar

3. China’s Military in the Indo-Pacific Region: 113-127

Security Implications for India and its Strategic Partners

Ashok Kumar Murugesan & Thangavel K Balasubramaniam

4. A Study on the Historical Development of Hydro Diplomacy in South Asia 128-140

Ayushee Choudhary & D. Purushothaman

5. China- A strategic Economic Player in Africa 141-166

Aditya Mohan

6. Arab and Israeli Relations and the Palestinian Cause post-2020 167-184

Godson Daniel Rao

Praghna Research Prize Papers

7. Great Power Competition in the Gulf of Guinea 185-203

Arushi Singh

8. Keeping Track of History: The Relevance of Oral Traditions and 204-219

Material Memory from a Feminist Perspective

Sarasi Ganguly

9. Protecting Environment through the Teachings of Buddha 220-228


10. Role of Cooperative Farming and Emerging Technologies in 229-262

Solving Critical Problems of India’s Agricultural Sector

Subham Kumar Kanu

11. Local Governance: History of Panchayati Raj System and women in PRIs 263-277

Jyoti Tripathi

Author Short Bio

Shubham Singh Charak and Talha Latief Tantray are research scholars and Dr. R Sudhakar is an Assistant Professor at Central University of Jammu, India.

Shashank Arun Khopkar is a student of MA Politics and International Relations at Central University of Gujarat, India.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Murugesan holds a PhD in Physics from Pondicherry University and Dr. Thangavel K Balasubramaniam is a PhD from the Department of Politics and International Studies, Pondicherry University, India.

Ayushee Choudhary is a PhD scholar and Dr. D Prushothaman is a Professor at Centre for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University, India.

Aditya Mohan is B.A Diplomacy and Foreign Policy graduate from O.P Jindal Global University, New Delhi, India.

Godson Daniel Rao is a graduate of Political Science from Madras Christian College, Chennai, India.

Arushi Singh a research scholar at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.

Sarasi Ganguly is a final year Postgraduate student at School of South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University, India.

Raghawi is a Research Scholar at Department of Political Science, Sharda School of Humanities and Social Sciences, NOIDA, India.

Subham Kumar Kanu is an Assistant Professor and a PhD Research Scholar (JRF), Department of Political Science, Faculty of Arts, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

Dr. Jyoti Tripathi is an independent researcher from Varanasi, India.
