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Pages: 01-07

Date of Publication: 31-Jul-2024

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Volume 5: Special Issue VI Praghna Research Prize 2024 Edition July 2024

Author: Dr R Srinivasan

Category: Contents & Author Bio



Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) and its parent institution Praghna Centre for Research were founded in 2020 and 2021 respectively. The journal is an OA peer reviewed platform for publishing scholarly works in social sciences and strategic studies. Praghna undertakes capacity building programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students and research scholars through research methodology and research writing workshops and orientation programs.

Keywords: EJSSS, Special Issue VI, Volume 5, Praghna Research Prize Edition 2024, International Relations, Strategic Studies, Sociology, Political Science, Security Studies, Book Prize

DOI: 10.47362/EJSSS.2024

Full Text:


Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) and its parent institution Praghna Centre for Research were founded in 2020 and 2021 respectively. The journal is an OA peer reviewed platform for publishing scholarly works in social sciences and strategic studies. Praghna undertakes capacity building programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students and research scholars through research methodology and research writing workshops and orientation programs.

Pragya also written as Praghna, means the highest and purest form of wisdom, intelligence and understanding. The name and therefore the Centre for Research aim to facilitate greater understanding in various fields of knowledge through research. The way we have spelt it, PRAGHNA, is also an acronym for the subjects that the Centre will deal with:

P – Polity & Governance R – Regionalism A – Area & Country Studies G – Geopolitics & International Relations H – History & Human Rights N- Nature & Environmental Studies A – Allied subjects

What does Praghna do?


Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN online: 2582-9645), an online OA and peer reviewed journal. It is a member journal of Crossref, indexed J-Gate and ROAD.

Praghna and EJSSS have also published 07 books in the field of IR and Strategic Studies. The titles and brief descriptions can be viewed at

Research Writing Program

Praghna accepts graduate, postgraduate students and research scholars as interns for up to three months. During this period, they will be trained on research methodology and research article/paper writing techniques.

Interns are expected to produce a Book Review, Article or Research Paper which will be published online by the Centre. Mentoring/guidance from accomplished members of the Centre also would be available. The program entails a small fee.

Queries in this regard can be mailed to


Praghna organizes and conducts webinars in collaboration with institutions. Our intention is to promote scholarly discourses by students and early career academics. Details of the webinars conducted can be viewed at, including the links to their recordings hosted on its YouTube channel.

Research Methodology Workshops

Capacity Building for research is a key objective for Praghna. We conduct workshops that focus on practical outputs on each type of research publication. Institutions may also collaborate with us for hosting these workshops for their faculty members and students/interns.

Key Milestones

  • Praghna and EJSSS have conducted 12 national and international webinars on contemporary themes in collaboration with New Vision University (Tbilisi, Georgia), Pondicherry University (UGC Centre for Maritime Studies), Madras University, BITS Pilani-Goa, and VIT-AP School of Law, as well as independently
  • Fifteen Research Methodology Workshops were conducted for Masters Level students of IR and Research Interns at universities and leading Think.
  • Praghna has a standing MoU with Chennai Centre for China Studies for conducting Research Methodology Workshops for their interns. Two such workshops have been conducted for their interns in 2024.
  • Praghna also has a standing MoU with Defence Research and Studies through which a Research Writing Program is being conducted. The students attending this program have till now published 14 research papers, 01 Book Review and 13 research articles (under 2500 words) in the past 30 months. These works have been published online through EJSSS and DRaS.
  • EJSSS journal hosts 17 Issues of which five are Special Issues on specific themes.
  • 128 papers and book reviews published by EJSSS have been downloaded over 10000 times till now and cited over 78 times, as per Google Scholar

Praghna strongly believes in promoting a knowledge based society through excellence in research.

Praghna Annual Research Awards: 2024

Praghna Centre for Research is a not-for-profit educational institute. It is committed to promoting scientific temper through original research among students and emerging scholars. In order to foster the spirit of inquiry and to promote substantial research in social sciences/strategic studies among students, Praghna has instituted research prizes for best research papers by students/research scholars and a book prize for eminent authors in strategic/security studies. Papers and books are invited in March every year. These are assessed by a jury comprising of eminent scholars from diverse fields. The prizes are awarded on the occasion of our anniversary on 07 June every year.

Founded in June 2021, this year Praghna marked its 3rd anniversary on 07 June 2024. To commemorate the occasion, four awards were announced as a humble endeavor to promote research namely:

V. Rajamanickam Prize: For research paper in political science or historical studies

Kalavathy Rajamanickam Prize: For research paper in socio-cultural studies

Group Captain Arun Bhatnagar Prize: For research paper in defense studies

Shri. Radhe Shyam Gupta Prize: For the best book in Defence/Strategic Studies

Criteria for awards

  1. The study must be relevant to Indian context
  2. Interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary studies are especially encouraged
  3. The work must be original and previously unpublished
  4. The author must be a student of graduate/postgraduate studies program or a research scholar pursuing PhD/Post Doc

Award Details

The Award carries a cash prize of INR 2000 with a certificate for the first three research paper prizes and INR 3000 for the book prize. Accepted papers were subjected to blind review by a panel of five experts and books were assessed by two eminent professors. Papers/books accepted in review were also judged by the panel of reviewers. Awards were announced and handed to selected authors on the anniversary of Praghna Centre for Research on 07 June 2024. Papers accepted in review are now being published by Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN online: 2582-9645) as per reviewer recommendations.

Praghna Research Awards 2024

There were 11 papers that were received for the research prizes for 2024. Their breakdown is as below:

  • 02 papers for V Rajamanickam Prize
  • 04 papers for Kalavathi Rajamanickam Prize
  • 05 papers for Group Captain Arun Bhatnagar Prize
  • 04 books for Shri. Radhe Shyam Gupta Prize

Winners of Research Prizes 2024

The following papers/books received the research prizes for 2024:

  • V Rajamanickam Prize - Islam Supyaldiyarov from Kazakhstan for his paper titled Charting New (Old) Paths: Unraveling India-Kazakhstan Ties in Eurasian Geopolitics.
  • Kalavathy Rajamanickam Prize - Mridu Madhuvita Sharma from Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi, for her paper titled Can Hinduism Take a Joke? Humour, Blasphemy, and the Future of Artistic Expression in Modern India.
  • Group Captain Arun Bhatnagar Prize - Madhuri, Annem Naga Bindhu for her paper titled Arunachal Pradesh: A focal point of confrontation between India & China.
  • Shri Radhe Shyam Gupta Prize - Commodore SL Deshmukh, NM, for his book titled China’s Game Plan in Ladakh: Imperatives for India. An additional book prize of INR 2000 was announced by Praghna for the book titled Oil Terrorism Et al. by Dr. Kishore Vaangal.

About this Issue

The present Volume 5 Special Issue VI July 2024 is our 18th publication. It hosts nine research papers pertaining to international relations, strategic and security studies and sociology with India as the central focus.

We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions, independent researchers, researcher scholars, and postgraduate/undergraduate students.

Editor’s Note

Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) is an OA and Peer Reviewed journal. We are committed to publishing research content after following editorial review by a subject editor and a blind review by a qualified reviewer of all the submissions. We especially encourage young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works through EJSSS.

We are delighted in say that our journal is indexed by Google Scholar and J-Gate, one of the most respected indexing & abstracting agencies in the world of journal publication. We are already a member of Crossref.

We have no Article Submission Fee. However, we have a nominal Article Processing Fee the details of which are available in our Author Guidelines Page.

Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at with their abstracts.

Copyrights and Plagiarism Policy

EJSSS believes in and practices Open Access policy. The copyright of the works published in our journal belongs to the contributing authors. They are welcome to use, reuse, distribute, modify or update their content published in this journal in any platform in any manner deemed appropriate towards dissemination of knowledge and further research. We only request that appropriate first publication credit be given to Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645). Since all publications in our journal carry doi, giving such credit to us would be in keeping with our own policy of Open Access.

We are a not-for-profit journal and take reasonable efforts to have the works published by us checked for plagiarism. The responsibility and ownership of the content therefore rests with the authors. As publishers, we accept no liability for copyright related issues in our publications. We emphasize upon the authors to make every endeavor to provide original and earlier unpublished content and giving appropriate citations for resources consulted in producing their work.

Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan 30 July 2024 Editor-in-Chief




1. Charting New (Old) Paths: Unraveling India-KazakhstanTies in Eurasian Geopolitics ...........................................08-23

Islam Supyaldiyarov

2. Dynamics of Non-State Actors in Conflict: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of the Role of Meira Paibis and................. 24-40

Arambai Tenngol in Manipur in Ensuring the Ontological Security of the Meiteis in Manipur

Colonel Monnappa K C

3. What do real-life men think of men on-screen? An empirical investigation of Hindi TV soaps .................................41-60

Shilpi Madaiyar & Dr. Nidhi Shendurnikar

4. The Significance of Aerospace Power for Indian Defence: Evaluation and Challenges ...........................................61-79

Marshall Anto I

5. Arunachal Pradesh: A focal point of confrontation between India & China ...............................................................80-106

Annem Naga Bindhu Madhuri

6. Can Hinduism Take a Joke? Humour, Blasphemy, and the ......................................................................................107-129

Future of Artistic Expression in Modern India

Mridu Madhuvita Sharma

7. Impact of Educational Attainment on Women’s Passport Access in India ................................................................130-148

Tanya Sood

8. From Dependency to Autonomy: Revamping the Defense Acquisition ....................................................................149-160

Lipun Kumar Sanbad

6. India and China: Military Capacities to Handle Conflicts ..........................................................................................161-179

Ranjit Singh & Dr. Prashant Agarwal

Book Summaries

1. China’s Game Plan in Ladakh- Imperatives for India & ...........................................................................................180-184

Probable China Russia Military Pact-Implications for India

by Commodore SL Deshmukh, NM (Retd)

2. Oil Terrorism et al. & Deep-Sea Rigs –“Sitting Ducks for Terror Strikes” ................................................................185-187

by Dr. Kishore Vaangal


Author Short Bio

Islam Supyaldiyarov is PhD student, Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan and, a Senior lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, SDU University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan.

Colonel Monnappa KC is a serving Indian Army officer and a PhD Research Scholar at NEHU, Meghalaya, India.

Shilpi Madaiyar is a postgraduate in journalism and mass communication from the Faculty of Journalism and Communication, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat. She presently works as an independent media professional. Dr. Nidhi Shendurnikar is a media educator and media researcher with a decade of experience in teaching and research in media and communication studies.

Marshall Anto I holds a Master’s degree in Defence and Strategic Studies from the University of Madras.

Madhuri Annem holds a Master’s degree in Defence and Strategic Studies from the University of Madras.

Mridu Madhuvita Sharma is a second-year student at Lady Shri Ram College for Women (University of Delhi), majoring in Psychology.

Tanya Sood holds an M.A. in Political Science from University of Delhi and is a Young India Fellow at Ashoka University.

Lipun kumar Sanbad is pursuing a Master’s degree in Politics and International Relations at Pondicherry University, India.

Major General Ranjit Singh SM VSM is a serving Indian Army Officer and a PhD scholar with Allahabad University. Prof. (Dr) Prashant Agarwal is the HoD Department of Defence Studies, Allahabad University, India.

Commodore SL Deshmukh NM is a former Indian Navy officer, independent researcher and strategic analyst.

Dr Kishore Vaangal is now an independent researcher and an expert on maritime security.
