Pages: 1-3
Date of Publication: 02-May-2021
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Volume 2, Issue 1: Contents & Author Bio
Author: Editor-in-Chief
Category: Contents & Author Bio
Full Text:
1. State of Democracy in the World Today 4-13
Ambassador KP Fabian, IFS (Retd)
2. China’s Balkan Chessboard 14-22
C Balasubramanian
3. Supply Chain Shift from China: Is it Vietnam’s Gain and India’s Loss? 23-60
Cmde SL Deshmukh NM (Retd)
4. The ambiguity of EU Policy Papers: Republic of Mali - Tracing the Change through Constructivism 61-77
Dr Cserkits Michael
5. Winston Churchill and the Battle of Crete (1941) 78-90
Emmanouil Peponas
6. Afghanistan as a Land Bridge between Central Asia and South Asia for Economic Cooperation: 91-111
Challenges and Opportunities
Masom Jan Masomy
7. Education and the Paradox of Graduate Unemployment and Employability in Nigeria 112-123
Olabiyi, O.B.
8. Man, Media and Nature in Nigeria: A Critical Collaboration 124-146
Dr. Adebayo, Williams Adewumi & Mrs. Adefunke Anoma
Book Reviews
9. How Culture Shapes the Climate Change Debate by A Hoffman 147-149
Kenneth Grimes Jr.
10. Book Review - Biomedical Hegemony and Democracy in South Africa 150-153
by Ngambouck Vitalis Pemunta and Chama-James Tabenyang
Maurine Ekun Nyok
11. Book Review - On Strategy: A Primer by Nathan Finney 154-157
Ashiqur Rahman
Author Short Bio
Ambassador Fabian served in the Indian Foreign Service from 1964 to 2000. His last posting was in Rome, as Ambassador to Italy and Permanent Representative to UN Organizations including FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), WFP (World Food Programme), and IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development).
C Balasubramanian is a Research Officer at Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S), Chennai, India, a leading Think Tank that focuses on China Studies.
Commodore SL Deshmukh, NM (Retd) served the Indian Navy for over three decades as a specialist in maintenance of fighter aircraft and ASW helicopters. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Sun Group’s Aerospace & Defence vertical.
Dr Cserkits Michael is Independent Researcher and Postdoc Fellow based at Vienna, Austria.
Emmanouil Peponas is a Ph.D. Candidate at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
Masom Jan Masomy is an MA International Relations (2nd year) student at UMISARC Department of South Asian Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India..
Olabiyi O.B. is with Department of Educational Foundations, University of Lagos, Nigeria.
Dr. Williams Adewumi Adebayo is a Faculty of Law, Ekiti State University, Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria. Mrs. Adefunke Anoma is Executive Director, Emeraldscape Environmental Development and a Ph.D. Candidate.
Kenneth D. Grimes Jr. is a graduate student at Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University, Huntsville, USA.
Maurine Ekun Nyok is a Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
Ashiqur Rahman is a student at Department of International Relations, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Mirpur Cantt., Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Editor’s Note
Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) encourages young and emerging scholars across the world to publish their works. Scholars and researchers interested in contributing to the journal are welcome to mail the Managing Editor at submission.ejss@gmail.com with their abstracts.
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Coimbatore, India Dr R Srinivasan
02 May 2021 Editor-in-Chief & Managing Editor