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Author Guidelines

Repository Policy

Author Self-Archiving Policy

EJSSS is an Open Access journal and authors are entitled to make their article publicly available according to the spirit of universally recognized Open Access policies practiced by OA journals.

Though EJSSS has not specifically applied Creative Commons License CC-BY-SA on its website, in practice we encourage complying with its spirit. We understand that abiding by the spirit of this license promotes Open Access for the benefit of scholarly community. Therefore, we strongly encourage authors to share their pre-publication manuscript (PPM) in institutional repositories or on their own websites prior to, the Accepted Manuscript (AM) during the submission process and the final formatted PDF version after publication (VOR) without any embargo or restrictions. This benefits authors with productive exchanges with the academic/scholarly community and promotes appropriate citation of published works.

Authors are advised to share, distribute or reuse OA articles published by EJSSS with a clear attribution to this journal as the original source of publication and correct citation details. Authors can also deposit the URL/DOI of their published article in any repository of their choice, in addition to the Version of Record held with this journal.

The Version of Record (published version of articles) is available with this journal’s server and is preserved in its archives. Published version can be accessed and downloaded (including the XML) without cost from the Current Issue or Archives tab of the journal. This guarantees that the definitive and final published version is readily available to those accessing these articles from repositories of Author’s choice so as to ensure that the article is cited correctly.

We understand that there are at least three versions of every article from the time the first manuscript is submitted. Being an Open Access journal, we have no objection if an author wishes to share these versions before it is finally published. The ways in which they may be shared are provided as follows.

Versions of Articles in Publication Process

Pre-Publication Manuscript (PPM)

Pre-Publication Manuscript is Author’s Original Manuscript which is submitted for consideration for publication by this journal. This is the original manuscript before the journal assigns it for peer review.

How to share the PPM? The PPM can be shared as much as the author wishes, without any redactions or abstraction, via social media, through a scholarly collaboration network, own personal website, or on a preprint server intended for non-commercial use of the author’s choice. These are not considered to be duplicate publication. If the author decides to share the PPM, we only request that, upon acceptance by the source where it is hosted, an acknowledgement is given that the article has been accepted for publication by this journal in the following manner:

“This article is under consideration for publication in Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645)”.

Accepted manuscript (AM)

Accepted Manuscript (AM) is the version has been through the peer review process, observations and comments by the Reviewer and/or the Editor have been duly considered and revised by the author, as applicable, and has been finally accepted by a journal editor for publication. The acceptance of a final version is communicated by the journal by email to the author. Once this mail is received from the Journal’s Online Submission System, a copy of the AM can be used for sharing through the mediums as mentioned.

How to share the AM? The Accepted Manuscript (AM) can be shared through all mediums including posting to Facebook, Google groups, LinkedIn, or Twitter and such other platforms or institutional repositories the author is associated with.

To facilitate citation of the AM, we recommend inserting a link from the posted AM to the published article with the following text, including the DOI:

“This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article to be published in Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (ISSN Online: 2582-9645) in its forthcoming Issue.”

Version of Record (VOR)

What is VOR? This is the final, published, citable version of the paper, which has been copyedited, typeset, had metadata applied, and has been allocated a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). This appears on the Current Issue Tab of our journal website as part of the Issue in which it is contained.

How to share VOR?  On publication of the article, the author can link to the VOR using the DOI or can post the article PDF on any websites (including his/her institution and personal ones), social media platforms and repositories.

We recommend the following for connecting the different versions of the article published or shared by the author through various platforms by the following method:

  • If the PPM and AM have been shared through various mediums, link these to the VOR after publication, by adding a suitable text such as:

“This is an [PPM /AM of an article published in Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies on [date of publication], [Vol No. & Issue No.], [Pages xxx-yyy] available at [Article DOI].”

By using a link containing the DOI, article downloads, XML data, and citations can all be tracked and collated. This would help the author to assess the impact of his/her work.


Responsibilities for Authors

Authorship of the Paper

Authorship and co-authors must be properly mentioned. Authors must distinguish between those who assisted them in conceptualizing/conduct the research and those who encouraged. The names of those who encouraged must be given as ACKNOWLEDGEMENT in the paragraph preceding the references. Please keep the acknowledgement to the minimum. Article word count includes acknowledgements.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Authors should cite publications that have been consulted, referred to or otherwise relied upon to develop their arguments/analysis, supplement their views and arrive at their findings and conclusions. Standardized referencing format should be followed. This journal recommends and accepts only APA 6th Edition citation format.

Corresponding Author

Wherever there are more than one author for a paper, name of the Corresponding Author must be specifically mentioned in the title page of the paper. This journal shall communicate with only the corresponding author on all matters pertaining to the paper during the submission, publication and subsequent processes. No communication from any other author or other person claiming to be associated with the paper shall be entertained by this journal. The Corresponding Author is solely responsible to deal with any conflict of interest that may arise between him/her and any other person claiming to be associated with the paper.

Conflict of Interest

Any financial or any other substantive conflict of interest in the course research culminating in the paper must be specifically mentioned by the author. He/she shall be responsible for all its consequences. Acceptance of the paper by this journal in no way shall implicate the journal into the conflict of interest or its course of events.

Errors in Published Works

Should an author discover significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, the author is obliged to promptly notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper. The journal owns no responsibility in this regard.

Funding Sources

The author must specifically acknowledge in the paper an organization, institution or individual, if the research has been funded by them.


Authors must ensure that they have appropriate permissions to cite the works of published material, wherever such permissions are needed. The publisher and Editor-in-Chief or any official associated with this journal do not share any responsibility towards this aspect. If and when such a question of copyright or any other violation of copyright pertaining to any paper published in this journal arises, the author and author alone, is responsible to deal with all matters concerning such disputes. The journal accepts no responsibilities pertaining to copy rights violation by the authors in any form.

Retention and access to Data

Authors are expected to provide the raw data in connection with a paper for editorial review, and should provide public access to such data when needed. It is advisable to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication, in order to avoid conflict of interest with other researchers who have published works on similar areas.

Simultaneous or Repeat Publication

Authors must ensure that their paper submitted to this journal is not simultaneously or parallel or otherwise submitted for publication or published in other journals or books. This journal retains the publication right over material published in its website. However, authors are free to use, re-use and build upon the contents of their publications in this journal elsewhere, subject to the condition that their work in this journal is appropriately credited. In other words, EJSSS strives to make all the contents freely available to academic community everywhere for furtherance of knowledge for non-commercial purposes. Copy Rights over the contents of the paper remain with the author for use subject only to his/her obligation to give credit to EJSSS.

Standard of Writing 

Authors should attempt to present an accurate account of their research work in an objective manner, bringing out significant outcomes. Appropriate statistical/scientific data must be presented bringing out their analysis correctly. External sources relied upon must be cited correctly, giving due credit. Scientific approach is the norm even in papers that deal with subjective aspects like philosophy.


General Guidelines for Submission of Manuscript


  • The first page of the article should contain full name of authors with designation and correspondence address  (Both Institution and residential)
  • The research must be original in nature and is neither published nor under consideration for publication anywhere else.
  • The review process may take 08-10 weeks and the status would be known after 10 weeks of submission of the article.
  • It is mandatory to mention a valid email and mobile number. 
  • The abstract should not be more than 150-250 words and it should adequately describe the work and highlight its significance. Avoid the use of abbreviations and references in the abstract. The abstract should be followed by relevant keywords (at least seven key words). 
  • The main paper (Manuscripts) should not normally exceed more than 8000 words (including graphs & charts). For more details, please see Submission Guidelines given below.
  • Graphs, Charts or Tables must be limited in number (as appropriate to the object of the paper). The title of the table should be placed above the table. They must be serially numbered with their Source mentioned at the Left Bottom of the Graph, Chart or Table. Papers without citing the source of these are liable to be rejected. They must also be referred to in the text preceding the graph, chart or table.
  • All the tables, charts, graphs, diagrams should be in black and not in colors, to the extent possible or appropriate.
  • Article should be typed in Times New Roman, Font 12, English, with a one and half space and single column with 1” Margin on a A4 size Paper. The Page numbers are NOT to be given since the journal pages are serially numbered.Please avoid header/footer. All headings & sub headings must be in bold letters.
  • Footnotes, italics, and quotation marks should be kept to the minimum.
  • Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication, either in whole or in part, in a professional journal or as a part in a book which is formally published or for internal purposes in any institution, and made available to the public. For the mutual benefit and protection of authors and publisher, it is necessary that authors provide formal written consent to publish and transfer of copyright through a Copyright Form before publication of the work. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, a Copy Right Form shall be mailed to the author. Only on receipt of a signed Copy Right form from the author, actual publication shall be effected.

Book Reviews

Electronic Journal of Social and Strategic Studies (EJSSS) encourages and invites book reviews. Limited to not more than 500 to 2000 words in Times New Roman, Font 12 and Single Space. It should carry the name and email of the reviewer with his/her institutional affiliation. A JIF image of the front cover of the book may also submitted. Synoptic view of the reviewer’s evaluation of the content of the book should be presented with objectivity. While constructive criticism is expected, reviews which carry evidently personalized, improper or unethical views of the reviewer shall not be considered for publication.

A book published by the author himself may also be presented for review in synoptic form. Please avoid any attempt to market the book in the form of a review. Please remember that this journal believes in promoting objective and unbiased scholarly writing. Own publications can be posted to EJSSS Blog at by writing to the below mentioned email address.

Submissions to the blog may be sent by email to addressed to Managing Editor for consideration.

Article Processing Charge

There is no Article Submission Charge. We have introduced Article Processing Charge (APC) from our December 2021-January 2022 Issue onwards. The purpose is to offset basic administrative expenses in processing submissions for publication. The APC in respect of different categories of authors are as below:

  • For salaried academicians/working professionals/independent researchers - INR 3000 (Three Thousand Indian Rupees) per paper or work accepted for publication.
  • For Students/Scholars receiving scholarships or financial assistance for studies - INR 2000 (Two Thousand Indian Rupees) per paper or work accepted for publication.
  • For Book Review/PhD Synopsis submissions - INR 1500 (One Thousand Five Hundred Indian Rupees) per accepted submission.

Note: Authors are requested to specifically mention the category they belong to in the cover letter while submitting their Abstracts. Necessary details for remitting the APC will be communicated to the Author after review and acceptance of the submitted work. Remittances are to be made in Indian Rupees only.


As an academic courtesy, EJSSS will accept brief advertisements on workshops, seminars, conferences and faculty recruitment to be posted in the notices. No pictures or photos would be accepted as part of such advertisements. 

Specific Submission Guidelines


We accept articles only online. Please make optimum use of our online submission facility and click on "Submit Abstract" to submit the abstract and "Submit Manuscript" to submit full article. Please read the following guidelines prior to submission of your paper/work. Please be advised that papers not complying with the following guidelines are liable to be rejected.

We accept articles in MS WORD (2003/2007) and newer versions. EJSSS accepts papers/book reviews/research opinions in the following lengths:

  • Full-length Research Papers ranging between 3,000 - 8,000 words
  • Commentaries/perspective pieces between 2,000 – 3,000 words (Only by invitation from Editorial Board)
  • Book Reviews ranging between 1500 - 2000 words

Note: 1. Shorter Commentaries/Perspectives could be considered if found suitable by the Editorial Board. 2. Research papers exceeding 8000 words would also be considered based on the subject content. 

  • Title/Subtitle: This should be concise and informative.
  • Author names and affiliations: We will require the full postal address of each author with institutional affiliation, including the country name, and the e-mail address (institutional and personal, as applicable).
  • Corresponding author(s): In case of multiple authors, one of the contributors is to be designated as Contributing Author. This journal will correspond only with the corresponding author for all decisions concerning submission, acceptance and publication. Ensure that email/contact details such as telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.
  • Abstract: A concise and factual abstract (between 150–200 words) is required to be submitted along with the article. There should be at least seven Keywords provided with the abstract.
  • Sub-heads/Level-heads: Divide your article into clearly defined (or numbered) sections/subsections.
  • Acknowledgements: Collate acknowledgements in a separate section at the end of the article before the Bibliography/Reference section. For uniformity, please use the title REFERENCES for bibliography.
  • References: EJSSS accepts citations only in APA 6th Edition format. Responsibility for the accuracy of bibliographic citations is entirely with the authors. All references/citations should be clearly mentioned as per the format listed below. Each reference should be clearly inserted as a footnote with the corresponding in-text cue. Additional references should be listed after the REFERENCE section marked as ‘Additional References’. Authors may also provide the same as End Notes.
  • Web References: International standards of scholarly writing does not give credence to web sources in general and Wiki sources or blogs in particular. Blogs owned and maintained by internationally/nationally reputed organizations like UN, World Bank, ADB, IMF, EU, SAARC, AU, OAS, ICRC, Carnegie Endowment for Democracy, etc, may however be relied upon to develop arguments in the paper. In such instances, the reference is to be given as a web source as per format for web references given below. In case of Web references, as a minimum, the full URL should be given as well as the date on which the URL was last accessed.
  • Tables: Tables must be serially numbered. The title of the Table is to be given above the table along with the serial number. (For example, TABLE 1: LIST OF REGIONAL LANGUAGES IN INDIA). The source of the data for the table must be given at the bottom left (below the table). An in-text reference to the table must be given in the text preceding or succeeding the table.
  • Graphs: Graphs are to be serially numbered. Other instructions for the Tables applies to Graphs also.
  • Diagram: All diagrams are to be serially numbered. Other instructions for the Tables applies to diagrams also.
  • Pictures and Photos: The journal does not accept pictures and photos due to technical limitations.


Citation Styles: Examples

This journal encourages the use of citation style APA 6th Edition which is freely available in MS WORD 2013. Authors may use the style for writing and revising their works. Sample citations are given below:

Authored Books: Single Author

Clay, H. (1916). Economics: An Introduction for the General Reader (Second ed.). London: Macmillan and Co Ltd. Pp 12-13

Authored Books: Multiple Authors

Chandra, B., Mukherjee, M., Mukherjee, A., Panikkar, K., & Mahajan, S. (2013). India's Struggle for Independence 1857-1947. New Delhi: Penguin Books. Pp 123

Edited Volume: Single Editor

Author, A. A. (1996). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. first page-last page). City: Publisher.

Edited Volume: Multiple Editors

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1996). Title of chapter: Subtitle of chapter. In E. E. Editor, F. F. Editor, & G. G. Editor (Eds.), Title of book: Subtitle of book(edition, pp. first page-last page). City, Country: Publisher.

Chapter in Edited Volume: Single Author

Norton, A. (1991). Western European Local Government in Comparative Perspective. In R. Batley, & G. Stoker, Local Government in Europe: Trends and Developments. London: Macmillan.p. 155.

Chapter in Edited Volume: Multiple Authors

Kooiman, J. (2000). Societal governance: Levels, models, and orders of socialpolitical Interaction. In J. Pierre, Debating governance: Authority, Steering and Democracy. Pp. 138-164. Oxford: OUP.

Journal Article: Single Author

Saldanha, I. M. (1996). Colonialism and Professionalism: A German Forester in India. Environment and History, 2(2), 195-216.

Journal Article: Multiple Authors

Senaratne, A., Abeygunawardena, P., &Jayatilake, M. (2003). Changing Role of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in Household Economy of Peripheral Villages: The Case of Sinharaja World Heritage in Sri Lanka. Environmental Management, 32(5), 559-571.

Web Reference

Oosthoek, J. (2001). An Environmental History of State Forestry in Scotland, 1919-1970 (Ph.D. diss., University of Stirling, 2001), 21-22. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from

ADB. (2015). Asian Development Bank. Retrieved March 21, 2015, from