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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 2, Special Issue III</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>May 2021</Season>
      <ArticleType>Political Science</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Inter-relationship between Citizenship and Globalization: An India Specific Analysis</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Cmde SL</FirstName>
          <FirstName>NM (Retd)</FirstName>
      <Abstract>The concept of Citizenship is centuries old and it had stood the test of time. Citizenship is a boon-a coveted possession- for a person as it bestows many benefits on him/her, albeit with certain obligations. Various countries have tried and adapted different types of citizenships depending on the circumstances. They follow different processes and procedures to grant Citizenship to the applicants who are not covered by the laws governing the natural citizenship. Countries also get affected by the centuries old phenomena of migration (reasons could be many) and migrants too apply for the citizenship. It is important to note that not all applicants succeed in getting the Citizenship, some of them get deported and some suffer with what is termed as ‘Statelessness’ (as the original country from where they fled, For whatever reasons, also refuses to accept them back). It’s a worst state for a human being to exist in. All such relevant aspects related to citizenship have been examined in the paper.&#13;
Lately many countries have been affected by the population pressures, dwindling natural resources and stressed economies. Efforts to ease such problems by improving the economies and offer better life styles to the citizens have forced liberalisation of trade, leading to free flow of goods, technologies, information and people, transgressing various boundaries and cultures. Despites its advantages and disadvantages Globalisation has unabatedly propagated. It has been seen that the Globalisation as a phenomenon has globally affected many aspects like political, economic, cultural as well as the concepts of citizenship. Globalisation has also given birth to newer types of citizenships like social and economic, each with its own pros and cons. The paper examines the factors leading to emergence of Globalisation, its facets, its linkages to migration, impacts on countries and on the aspects of citizenship and emerging types of citizenships.&#13;
India too has been going through various issues like migration across its borders, Rohingya problems, globalisation related migration and its impacts. India has to find cogent measures to address these issues.&#13;
This paper thus deals with a broad brush canvas related to citizenship and globalisation and attempts to analyse different facets of citizenship, forces propagating globalisation, impact of globalisation on citizenship universally and ways for dealing with it in India related scenario and some specific suggestion for consideration.</Abstract>
        <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13055&amp;title=Inter-relationship between Citizenship and Globalization: An India Specific Analysis</Abstract>
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