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<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd">
      <Volume-Issue>Volume 2, Issue 2</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>Aug-Sep 2021</Season>
      <ArticleTitle>Economic Impact of Terrorism in Jammu __ampersandsign Kashmir</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>India, one of the emerging super powers in South Asia is flanked by two adversarial nuclear- military powers which in effect increase incidences of terrorism in the region. The Line of Control (LoC) along international border faces frequent infiltration by state sponsored and terror groups leading to substantial economic loss.&#13;
Constant terror strikes disrupt trade, commerce, agriculture, mining, tourism and other vital economic activities to cause reduction in GDP, increase in unemployment, inequality and poverty among the populace. Kashmir faces incessant cross border terrorism and internal conflicts to cause socio-political upheavals that disrupt economic balance and subsequent loss of employment due to strikes lead to income and revenue loss. Social costs of terrorist attacks in Kashmir include lost educational opportunities, personnel injuries, loss of agricultural terrain etc., to cause irreparable damage to ecology, environment and economy.&#13;
Counter terrorist measures by government cause political instability as an aftermath of constant in-fighting thereby affecting FDI in tourism, trade and commerce, both prominent economic sectors, wherein political conflicts among state and national parties erode the ideological base to harm international relations. It further reduces foreign investments and inflow of capital into the state.&#13;
The Economic horizon affected by terrorist activities in J__ampersandsignK and mitigation measures to address adversarial economic atmosphere to increase economic wellbeing are examined in this paper along with risk perception on diversified economic portfolio. This paper relies on secondary sources like government data and that is publicly available for its analysis.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Economic Portfolio,Political Instability,Income Loss,Internal Strife,Terrorist Attacks</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=13287&amp;title=Economic Impact of Terrorism in Jammu __ampersandsign Kashmir</Abstract>
        <References>India Investment Grid, www.indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in/states/jammu-and-kashmir&#13;
	Foreign Direct Investment, https://www.fdi.finance/states/jammu-and-kashmir  &#13;
	Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, https://unememploymentinIndia.cmie.com&#13;
	http://diragrikmr.nic.in  &#13;
	Hilal Ahmad Mir, 2014-June, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 6, -ISSN 2229- 5518 &#13;
	Economic Survey 2017, Government of Jand;K, Direcorate of Economics and Statistics, http://ecostatjk.nic.in/Economic%20Survey%202017.pdf  &#13;
	htttps://dsd.jk.gov.in/pmky30Guidelines.pdf   &#13;
	https://jk.gov.in/jammukashmir/?q=education  &#13;
	Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, https://unememploymentinIndia.cmie.com  &#13;
	https://dsd.jk.gov.in/pmky30Guidelines.pdf  &#13;
	http://jkindustriescommerce.ic.in/dhdd.html/  &#13;
	India Investment Grid, www.indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in/states/jammu-and-kashmir  &#13;
	IBEF, https://www.ibef.org/states/jammu-kashmir.aspx   &#13;
	Economic Survey 2017, Government of Jand;K, Direcorate of Economics and Statistics, http://ecostatjk.nic.in/Economic%20Survey%202017.pdf  &#13;
	https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/afghanistan-taliban-takeover-jammu-kashmirterrorism-sp-vaid-pakistan-1841529-2021-08-16  &#13;