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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Special Issue V</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>June 2024</Season>
      <ArticleType>Strategic Studies</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Preface and Contents: Volume 5: Special Issue V Indian Strategic Thought</ArticleTitle>
          <FirstName>Dr R</FirstName>
      <Abstract>EJSSS invited abstracts/papers to be published as a Special Issue focusing on Indian Strategic Thought. As implied, the academic study of the history and literature of the Indian subcontinent are the main theme for this special Issue. Sub-themes on which the journal is interested are (indicative, not exclusive):&#13;
	History of warfare (including ancient) in the subcontinent. These could be further specific to political history, military history, economic history and such other relevant studies that will fall under strategic studies.&#13;
	Conceptual studies that avail anthropological approach as to the development of thought including the study of Atharv Veda, Upveda like Dhanur Veda and such other scripts, including Indian epics.&#13;
	Scriptural studies that look at the contribution of regional/national philosophers on strategies and techniques of war and strategy (like Vasishta, Kautilya, Tiruvalluvar, etc) including critiques on classical literature that are relevant to warfare, diplomacy, economy, etc.&#13;
	Any other relevant fields.&#13;
About this Issue&#13;
The present Volume 5 Special Issue V June 2024 is our 17th publication. It hosts six research papers pertaining to Ramadharma Doctrine, Kautilyan Realism and Indian Foreign Policy, Arthshastra and Hybrid Warfare, Mahabharata and the Theory of Just War, Project Udbhav and Modern Indian Military Pedagogy, Kautilya’s diplomacy and Indian Foreign Policy, and, Strategic Thought and Military Maneuvers from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Arthashastra.&#13;
We are happy to note that our authors are from amongst established academic institutions, researcher scholars, and academicians.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>EJSSS,Special Issue,Indian Strategic Thought,Arthsastra,Ramayana,Mahabharata,Tirukkural,Warfare,Strategy,Governance,Diplomacy,Mandala Theory,Grey Zone Warfare</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=15247&amp;title=Preface and Contents: Volume 5: Special Issue V Indian Strategic Thought</Abstract>