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      <Volume-Issue>Volume 5 Special Issue V</Volume-Issue>
      <Season>June 2024</Season>
      <ArticleType>Strategic Studies</ArticleType>
      <ArticleTitle>Project Udbhav: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Indian Military Pedagogy</ArticleTitle>
      <Abstract>Throughout history, humanity has seen many destructive wars, especially in India. Early wars in India were fought by the people of the Indus Valley civilization, who were skilled in building forts for defense. Hindu civilization had a rich knowledge of warfare, military strategies, and martial arts. Ancient political thinkers considered War as an extension of politics, a fallout of interstate relations. Strategies were both offensive and defensive. The ancient Indian thinkers instated war as a means of increasing royal glory and outright conquest. The battles depicted in the epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata provide valuable information about the warfare mechanism of the ancient period.  __ampersandsign#39;Project UDBHAV,__ampersandsign#39; a collaborative effort between the Indian Army and the United Services Institution of India (USI), and the government of India, emphasized the project__ampersandsign#39;s significance, aiming to revisit India__ampersandsign#39;s ancient military thoughts. The initiative seeks to synthesize ancient knowledge, particularly from texts like Chanakya__ampersandsign#39;s Arthashastra and Thirukkural, with modern military practices. Examining historical campaigns, leaders, and examples like the Naval Battle of Saraighat, the paper highlights the enduring relevance of ancient Indian military strategies. The paper will also focus on contemporary military practices addressing modern challenges and the importance of Indian historical strategies in tackling diplomatic complexities.</Abstract>
      <Keywords>Arthashastra, Civilization, Indian Military, Government, Warfare, Project Udbhav, Tirukkural</Keywords>
        <Abstract>https://ejsss.net.in/ubijournal-v1copy/journals/abstract.php?article_id=15248&amp;title=Project Udbhav: Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Indian Military Pedagogy</Abstract>
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Additional References&#13;
Bhushan, M. (2021). Kautilya (Chanakya) in India’s Foreign Policy, Times of India. Available at: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/spark/kautilya-chanakya-in-indias-foreign-policy-34133/&#13;
Mate, B. (2021, June 23). Kautilya (Chanakya) in India’s foreign policy. Times of India. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/spark/kautilya-chanakya-in-indias-foreign-policy-34133/</References>